Bibs, Hip Numbers & Chips
Facility & Course Details
Opening Ceremonies
Spectator Areas
Starting Box Assignments
Each athlete will be assigned a front and back bib along with two hip numbers to be worn. Runners will also receive a timing chip, which will be on the front bib. Athletes in all races will be required to wear all of these identifiers on the outer layer of clothing to ensure the races are properly scored. Athletes must wear the bib number with the chip and the hip numbers assigned to them. If any of these are lost or forgotten, replacements can be supplied at packet pick-up the day of the race for a fee of $10. Go to Top
The 2013 National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships is being held at the National Shooting Complex. The complex spans over 670 acres of Texas Hill Country. Only minutes from the San Antonio airport, it’s near Sea World and many hotels and restaurants. The openness of the start/finish line and a long 700-meter berm will provide excellent spectator views. There is a 900-meter straightaway to start and finish each race. The course surface is grass. Athletes, families and friends will be able to enjoy the races from all vantage points throughout the races. In addition, the start and finish lines are next to each other. NO pets will be allowed on the complex unless they are on leashes at all times.
The Opening Ceremonies will be held Friday, December 13 from 6:30 pm-8 pm. The Opening Ceremonies will be held at Sea World, 10500 Sea World Drive, San Antonio, 78251. Athletes should arrive at the Shamu ® Theater in Sea World by 6 p.m., so they can be staged to march into the stadium by Region beginning at 6:30 p.m. Parents and spectators will be able to enter the Theater at 6 p.m. The program will consist of a special show from Sea World’s Shamu ®! Go to Top
The LOC photographer will be taking individual and team photos throughout the JO XC championships weekend. Action photos of individuals and team photos will be taken at the awards ceremony. Information on purchasing photographs will be available on-site or on the photographer’s website following the conclusion of the meet. More information will be in the team/athlete packets and on the meet website.
Protests relating to matters, which developed during the conduct of the competition must be made at the Protest Table by the Finish Line at once and not later than 30 minutes from the posting of results. The fee to file a protest is $100, cash only. This fee will be returned if the protest is upheld. Go to Top
Spectators are encouraged to watch the races from the many excellent viewing areas without crossing into the course itself. Areas marked with “credential access only” or that are fenced and roped off are not accessible to the spectators. Course marshals will ensure that spectators honor the established boundaries. The course will be closed at 8:15 a.m. on Saturday, December 14, 2013, to everyone except meet officials, course marshals, official meet photographers, and competitors of each event as called by the meet announcer.
Reference the chart below to determine which starting box is assigned to runners from each region.
Each competitor on a qualifying team must have a jersey or singlet that is basically identical in color and style to those worn by his/her teammates. The team jersey must be clearly visible throughout the race. This means the team jersey should be worn as the outside layer of clothing if other garments are worn during the race. Because of the nature of cross country running, the preferences of individual athletes in certain weather situations will allow other apparel items to vary widely without penalty. Athletes that are unattached may wear any apparel as long as it is safe, not offensive, and has the athlete's bib number attached to the outside layer. Go to Top